Works of Umoor-E-Tulaba Department
The National Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Finland Umoor-e-Talaba (commonly known as the “Student Affairs”) Department, plays a key role in the development and success of all students in Finland, wherever they may be and whatever they may be studying. The department aims to provide up-to-date information and resources to our students, helping them reach their potential. Atfal and Khuddam have varying interests and specialties and the department should work to help students maintain that all-important edge when it comes to studying for exams, writing applications, interviews, personal statements, and research. The Key tasks of the departments include:
- Because of the blessed scheme of Syedna Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V ABA, no one should discontinue his education before Higher Secondary School. The department shall hold sessions to emphasize the importance and benefits of seeking education. Parents also should be invited and insisted to secure higher education for their children.
- Organize a seminar on subjects like the necessity and importance of gaining knowledge, introduction to various departments of education. We can have the benefits of gaining knowledge at such a seminar. Regularly send updates to students about new fields and new courses.
- This department should compile the list with particulars like how many Khuddam and Atfal students are there in Finland. How many Khuddam and Atfal have completed Higher School education? How many Khuddam are learning technical courses after primary school? Which technical courses they have joined? Name of the student, father’s name, age, class, group, position in the previous class. In which field he is interested. With this information in hand, it is the responsibility of the department to take special measures to guide and provide all basic information for the courses in which they are interested.
- This department should compile a list of those members who have discontinued their studies. What are the reasons behind discontinuing education? What are they doing now? Draw the attention of such Khuddam who have discontinued, to continue through open universities and other educational institutions. Further, guide them to join some technical courses.
- This Department shall arrange lectures on various topics by scholars and educationalists. By this Khuddam can gain general knowledge in addition to their regular academic knowledge.
- This department should share information regarding online courses or free courses offered by different institutes to upgrade their skills.
- This Department is also responsible to guide newly graduated students about the available opportunities in their field.